Madasa-Soles: Holiday to Yorkshire 3rd to 13th Sept 2011


Friday, 16 September 2011

Holiday to Yorkshire 3rd to 13th Sept 2011

Saturday the 3rd September we set off  on holiday to Yorkshire  we made our first nights stop on a wonderful  CL site near Chesterfield. It was immaculate and well laid out

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Sunday 4th we set off for a 4 night stay  at  Rowntree Park the caravan club site in York we arrived on site at 12.20pm

once set up we had a walk along the river.

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Monday 5th  it was a walk around York shops and town

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Clifords Tower

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The Shambles

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The Birds of prey

Tuesday 6th we decided to walk the city walls we started off close to the caravan site














There were times when we had to come down off  the wall to cross the roads or river

this part was by the Minster

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Back up we go


The rear of the minster from the wall







Wednesday 8th Another day roaming around York and the Charity shops where we picked up some

nice ornaments for the static as we have lots of cupboards to fill.

The  minster wasn’t very good to photograph to many trees about

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Thursday  8th

Time to pack up and move on to another site  a caravan club site at West Ayton Scarborough.

another great site.

Friday 9th

We had a trip to Ensleigh a market town  with  street market.

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Saturday 10th

A day in Scarborough and there was a (wing ding) there

A gathering of gold wing bikes trikes and combos. It was an amazing sight to see.

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Scarborough Sea Front

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Sunday 11th

A day of rugby and rest

Monday 12th time to pack up and head back down to Derby and another caravan site

Poolsbrook country  park.   Quite a new site and very nice

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Tuesday 13th time to pack up and say a fond farewell to Yorkshire.

And head for home.






1 comment:

Kernow Camper said...

Your York photos bring back some good memories for us Maureen!
Love the look of the Derbyshire site - one to add to the list I think?
Sharon x