Madasa-Soles: A few days in the Static at Aberaeron


Monday, 26 September 2011

A few days in the Static at Aberaeron

Wednesday 21st Sep we went up to the static with our friends Pam & Cliff. We left home at 12oclock and arrived at 2pm. it takes just 2hrs from home to van.

Thursday 22nd Sept we had a trip to Aber Porth  this is a lovely cove ideal for swimming or kayaking .

aber porth bay 001


aber porth bay 003

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aber porth bay 005

Friday 23rd Sept

We had a day at Aberystwyth and a good old cart around the shops.  And we had lovely fish and Chips for tea

The beach Aberystwyth



Saturday 24th the weather wasn’t  very good so we had a lazy morning then went to Aberaeron for a mooch around. Then back for a lazy evening.

Sunday it was pack up and head for home  as I had an appointment today Monday26th.

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